News (Page 8)

World Cup Craziness

For you soccer hooligans OR Football fanatics, the grand event is upon you: The World Cup. Hosted by Brazil, you can imagine the excitement and enthusiasm is palpable, not to mention the heat and humidity. As elite athletes from across the globe gather, their years of training as well as their innate abilities are called […]

Han Solo’s Fractured Ankle

There are certain things in life that I would label MUST DOs. To name a few: playing in the rain, Chinese fire drills, eating a ballpark AT the ballpark, AND watching Star Wars (the original trilogy, not the ones with the side show antics of Jar-Jar Binks, aka Worst Character Ever). Lets be honest, what […]

Foot Massage: A Great Reward For Working Hard

What kinds of rewards do you like to get? Perhaps a vacation with points you have accumulated on a credit card, recognition from the boss after months of work on a big project, or simply a tall, cold soda after mowing the lawn? It is nice to be rewarded for the hard work you do. […]

The House Slipper Rules

Are you a barefoot OR slipper individual? Do you prefer walking around your home barefoot, or do you prefer the fuzzy house slipper? Are you the individual that would go to work barefoot if allowed? Do you keep a pair of house slippers by your bedside, slip them on first thing in the morning and […]

Heel Lifts

There are many types of prefabricated and fabricated devices your Podiatric physician may choose to insert into your shoe. Each device/insert has a specific purpose and function. Inserts are designed to accommodate the function/structure of your foot NOT correct any underlying pathology. By accommodating the function, they can potentially alleviate pain or discomfort. One such […]

Killer Kicks Without Black Toenails

The 2014 FIFA World Cup for soccer will be taking place in Brazil from June 12-July 13, 2014. Teams from 31 countries will play 64 matches across Brazil during this time, and for soccer fans this is the highlight event of the summer. Soccer is an intense game, and players put themselves at risk for […]

The Pointy

If your toes could talk, what would they say? Would they thank you for monthly pedicure or scold you for not washing in between them? Would they give a sigh of relief when you removed those old socks and shoes? Would the smallest piggy truly cry Wee, Wee all the way home? I think it […]

Summer Time Sweats

Summer is here and several things are upon us: Crazy, school worn children are home and free to roam. Summer time blues, which I never understood because summer is an enjoyable part of the year. Summer time sweats. Probably the more concerning, although bored children can be quite dangerous, especially to the neighborhood cat. What […]

Toenail Trimming Tips: The Right Way Makes a Difference

A captivating summer movie that just released is called Tracks. It details the true journey of a young woman who makes a solo trek across 2,000 miles of the Australian desert with her dog and some camels. A National Geographic photographer meets her along the way and captures her journey. What would you need on […]

Bone Fusion

If your Podiatrist ever says you need a fusion, he is not talking about the energy source that the Russians were after in The Saint. He/She also isnt saying you need to go grab a V8 fusion drink, although if you really need one Im sure it wouldnt be frowned upon, especially if you provided […]