Tag: Skin Problems
Tis’ the season of fire. Colder temperatures mean its time to dust off the ceramic logs or buy a cord of your favorite wood at the local shopping mart. Its time to break out the tongs and poker, open the flue, and let the warmth of a crackling, roaring fire fill your home and heart. […]
Have you ever wondered if witches have warts on their feet? Its a valid question because warts are caused by a virus, namely HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), and it only makes sense that a wart could present in other locations besides the nose. Dorothy had plenty of time to check the feet of the wicked […]
Scenario #1: Day 1 of boot camp began at an hour of the day that you only thought existed in horror movies. After more push-ups than your fragile, shaking arms could handle your drill instructor, whom you have renamed Beelzebub, orders you to put on your combat boots. The next thing you know, you are […]
This is not a blog about Queen or how Vanilla Ice ripped off the tune for his 1 hit wonder, Ice Ice Baby. Freddie Mercury is hands down the better singer. Heres to you Freddie. Instead, this is a blog about Pressure Sores. They are exactly what it sounds like: Sores caused by pressure or […]
To Pop or Not to Pop? No, I am not talking about Pringles, collars, or chewing gum. I refer to the dilemma we often have in the face of a blister. There are a few important guidelines you should consider before making the final decision to drain a blister. Is the blister small or large? […]
About a month ago, Dr. Jeffrey Bowman wrote an article on Epsom salt and how it can make your feet look, smell and feel better. That article has been featured on the Epsom Salt Councils website, PR Newswire, Health News Digest, Podiatry Management News, and even the Wall Street Journal! You can read the original […]
Tired of thick callus on your feet that makes them ache? Does your partner move away when you rub your feet against them? You need Baby Feet! No, its not a transplant from a babys foot. Its a micro-dermabrasion for your feet that can be done at home. No fuss, no muss, no dead skin […]
Very few celebrities do I consider worth the public’s praise. Most overindulge in lavishness and ruin their god-given talents by destroying their bodies through drugs and riotous living. Although he was far from perfect, Nesta Robert “Bob” Marley is one of the few celebrity figures I admire. Why am I bringing up Bob Marley? May […]
May is skin cancer awareness month. When we think of skin cancer we usually think of the leathery old woman in Florida who spends way too much time baking herself into skin cancer. To help share in skin cancer awareness here is some info on common skin cancers of the feet. Squamous Cell Carcinoma begins […]
Dr Bowman, what makes feet sexy? I was posed this question recently by a patient in her 40s and having never really thought about it, I had to give it some thought. The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art- Leonardo da Vinci The first question I always get when […]