Tag: Ingrown Nail
Have you ever been told by your doctor to lose weight? You may want to heed this advice for your overall health and the health of your feet. A patient called Sherri weighed in at 352 pounds. She was sluggish, had hard time walking with comfort and had constant problems with ingrown nails to both […]
This is a common question for most podiatrists. Lets start with the basics. A lot of diabetic patients have a condition called Neuropathy or LOPS (loss of protective sensation) and have no feeling to their feet. Any cut or scrape no matter how minor can lead to devastating results for a diabetic with these conditions […]
Dr. Bowman, My referring doctor told me I had a Paronychia. What is it? I get this question at least once a week. A Paronychia is a skin infection that occurs around the nails and is often occur with an Ingrown Nail. This condition is usually caused by an injury to the surrounding tissue of […]