News (Page 21)

A Shot In The Foot…No Need to Fear

Plutarch’sLife of Caius Marius-“I see the cure is not worth the pain.” In the health care industry, many patients agree. For this reason, many simple treatments are withheld due to the patients’ fear of undergoing any pain. What is even more remarkable is the patient with multiple tattoos and/or piercings who expresses a “fear of […]

Painful Toe? Could Be a Bed Post Fracture

Today is a sad day in history as I am actually writing a blog about a show that no one on earth should ever watch. Based on some competitive mother’s of pre-teen cheerleaders, this show covers what is wrong in our world. However, on TLC’s Cheer Perfection, a tiny tumbler suffered a broken 5th toe. […]

The Dangers of Osteoporosis to the Foot and Ankle

Many common foot problems can occur because of a lack of bone integrity and strength. Imagine yourbones are like the steel frames of a skyscraper, providing support and stability to the walls, floors and ceilings. If the steel frames rust or corrode, the building losses integrity and will crack, break and fall. Your bones act […]

Improve Foot & Ankle Pain With New Year’s Resolutions!

With the New Year come new beginnings. We traditionally use the New Year to make new resolutions and goals. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. With that in mind, here is how simply shedding a few Holiday pounds can improve the health of your feet. Increase in body weight […]

Foot and Ankle Reflexology, Does It Work? This Foot Surgeons Opinion

Wikipedia states the following: “Reflexology, orzone therapy, is analternative medicineinvolving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on what reflexologists claim to be a system of zones and reflex areas that they say […]

How To Tie Your Shoes, Secrets You Never Knew

We all learned it by about age 5, using bunny rabbits, trees and holes. We have since mastered with fine precision the art of tying our shoes. Of course, at some point with advancing age we will all revert back to Velcro, diapers and spoon feedings. In the meantime, while our fine motor skills still […]

Can A Foot Amputee Race A Horse and Win? Oscar Pistorius, His Story

Many of you may remember the fantastic events around the Summer Olympics when Oscar Pistorius and his “Cheetah legs” became the first double amputee to compete in the Olympics. Pistorius didn’t medal, but made history by winning his heat and making it to the semi-finals for the 400 meter run. He also competed with the […]

Is Your Foot Like Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer?

Do you have the sudden urge to jump up on to a roof top? Do you have an itch to pull a sleigh? Have you been searching around your house for that big red clown nose? Do you know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixon? To keep you “on your toes”, today’s blog is […]

Do I have a Bunion?

If the answer to this is yes, you fall into an elite group of celebrities including Oprah, Victoria Beckham, Katie Holmes and many super models. What? That doesn’t impress you? Well here are the facts about what a bunion is and why it is a problem. A bunion (Hallux Abducto Valgus) deformity is a one […]

A Modern Family Ingrown Nail

On one of the best TV shows today, ABC’s Modern Family, Cam Tucker (Eric Stonestreet) stepped into the leading role in the musical cats because the lead had an infected toenail and would be out for “weeks”. Although it was terribly funny-my wife asked if that was true. I told her that an infected toenail […]