Category: Skin Problems
Of the many award shows happening this year, the anticipated Academy Awards are coming up March 2, 2014. The entertainment, shoo-ins, upsets, and who rubs shoulders with whom are all a part of the elaborate evening. What celebrities wear, though, usually takes center stage, and shoes are often the focus of attention. Unfortunately, close up […]
In lieu of the most recent scientific blog concerning skin grafts I felt it prudent to continue with this discussion on grafts. Skin grafts can be taken directly from yourself (autograft), from another source of the same species (allograft), OR from another species (xenograft). Dermagraft is one such form example of skin grafting. What is […]
If you have had a health problem arise or felt sick, your grandmother may have shared an old wives method that would cure you once and for all. While certain concoctions made of questionable ingredients might do the trick, there are some things out there that really do work. When it comes to having dry […]
The Bands on the Sand at Moody Gardens in Galveston, TX has their last outdoor concert series August 8-9, 2014. Enjoy great music on Palm Beach and a firework display over Offats Bayou at the end of the night–a great way to spend a summer evening. Be careful, though. Whether at an evening concert or […]
May is cancer awareness month. I will make no wisecracks or puns in this blog. I feel confident in the following statement: You would be hard pressed to find an individual who has no relative or friend not touched by some form of cancer. Because of its prevalence, it is extremely important to be aware. […]
You may have heard of a skin condition commonly seen in children called Impetigo. Impetigo is bacterial skin infection that produces small vesicles on the face and arms of children that eventually rupture, forming a honey-colored crust. Although it is a superficial infection, it is highly contagious. It is usually caused by a gram (+) […]
Tinea pedis, or Athletes foot is a very common condition. It is caused by a variety of fungal species and can be easily treated. There are multiple forms of Athletes foot in regards to clinical presentation on the foot: moccasin type, interdigital type, OR vesicular type. There is a great masquerader however that would like […]
In the light of the upcoming Houston Marathon I thought it would be of importance and necessity to offer a few tips on blister prevention. If you are not planning on running the Houston Marathon but are an avid runner, this too will be a must read. If you have no plans to ever run […]
There are so many references and puns I could make, but none of them seem to be appropriate for the pain that these little guys can cause. Having said that, please know that Children of the Corn was a horrible R-Rated horror movie and you should by no means be afraid of corn fields, unless […]
Tis’ the season of fire. Colder temperatures mean its time to dust off the ceramic logs or buy a cord of your favorite wood at the local shopping mart. Its time to break out the tongs and poker, open the flue, and let the warmth of a crackling, roaring fire fill your home and heart. […]