Tag: Toe Problems
12.7 mm = 1.27 cm = 0.5 inches. Half an inch can mean the world to some people, especially when it comes to shoe size. For some unknown reason we equate large feet, thus large shoes, as something to be ashamed of. We cram our poor toes in shoes that are at least a half […]
Tailors bunion, or Bunionette, is identical to the bunion most people are familiar with, but found on the base of the 5th toe instead of the 1st toe. It received its name due to the thought that tailors would sit cross legged causing the proverbial bump. Is a Tailors bunion a medical emergency? No. Does […]
I was asked the other day about a pain directly under the big or “great” toe joint. This is a common complaint among runners and athletes. This area of the foot is the point of propulsion when walking and running. It acts as the last point of lift off before the foot leaves the ground. […]
Take a good look at your toes. Is one of your toes pointing down instead of out? Does it make an upside-down “V” at the first joint? Ouch. You have a hammer toe. Dr. Jeffrey Bowman of Houston Foot Specialists has been treating this condition for over 25 years. A hammer toe generally refers to […]