Tag: Nail Fungus

A Green Toenail is Not Great for St. Patrick’s Day

A fungal toenail can be unsightly and embarrassing as your toenail turns different shades of colors. Green is a color particularly associated with St. Patricks Day, but it is definitely not a color that you want to see on your toenails, thats for sure. St. Patricks Day, originally a Roman Catholic holiday that celebrates Irelands […]

Summer Blues and Your Feet

As the summer months roll on and the heat and humidity continue to climb, there are certain things you should take in to consideration in keeping your feet healthy. High heat and humidity = sweat. Sweat, especially of the foot is one piece to the puzzle of fungus. Fungus has a proclivity for moist, dark […]

No Shirt, No Shoes…………No Problem?

We have all accepted the inevitable process of slogging through airport security. We meander through a theme park line, with no exhilarating roller coaster at the end. If you travel often, you are prepared when your time comes to place your bag on the conveyor and step through the metal detector. Your jewelry is off, […]

Is A Pedicure Safe For Diabetics?

This is a common question for most podiatrists. Lets start with the basics. A lot of diabetic patients have a condition called Neuropathy or LOPS (loss of protective sensation) and have no feeling to their feet. Any cut or scrape no matter how minor can lead to devastating results for a diabetic with these conditions […]

Is There a Rubbing Cream Designed to Relieve Foot Pain?

Foot pain may be relieved by selecting and wearing appropriate footwear or even receiving massage therapy that targets the feet. However, there are topical pain medications available in forms such as balms, lotions, gels, creams, ointments, and patches which can alleviate foot pain. There are distinct types of topical medications, and they fall into one […]

Fungus Got Your Toes? Zap It!

Do you have thick, yellowish, brittle, and easily cracked or broken toenails without having injured them? They are likely discolored due to a fungal infection called onychomycosis, which is the most common disease of the nails. The nail weakens as fungi continue to grow through the nail tissue. Since fungus grows faster than the nail, […]