Tag: MRI


How often have you been to the doctor and after talking with you he/she prattles off a list of tests that you have no real idea what they are used for? Even with the attempts of your physician to explain why each test/study is being ordered, you still arent quite sure you have a full […]

The Foot and Ankle. Where Does Diagnostic Ultrasound Fit In?

Diagnostic ultrasound in the foot is a very common practice in podiatry-not to determine the gender of an unborn child, but to diagnose a myriad of Podiatric disorders. These disorders include but are not limited to plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, bursitis, Neuromas, soft tissue masses, and foreign bodies. Ultrasound of 1-5 Metatarsal bones Ultrasound can […]

Having Foot or Ankle Surgery? Pre

Having foot or ankle surgery is not as bad as some make it out to be if you are prepared. In this blog, you will learn some tips from foot and ankle surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Bowman and Houston Foot Specialists. First, and most important is to ask your podiatrist before the procedure any questions you […]