Tag: Foot Treatment

Is A Pedicure Safe For Diabetics?

This is a common question for most podiatrists. Lets start with the basics. A lot of diabetic patients have a condition called Neuropathy or LOPS (loss of protective sensation) and have no feeling to their feet. Any cut or scrape no matter how minor can lead to devastating results for a diabetic with these conditions […]

Is There a Rubbing Cream Designed to Relieve Foot Pain?

Foot pain may be relieved by selecting and wearing appropriate footwear or even receiving massage therapy that targets the feet. However, there are topical pain medications available in forms such as balms, lotions, gels, creams, ointments, and patches which can alleviate foot pain. There are distinct types of topical medications, and they fall into one […]

Paronychia: How is It Different from an Ingrown Nail?

Dr. Bowman, My referring doctor told me I had a Paronychia. What is it? I get this question at least once a week. A Paronychia is a skin infection that occurs around the nails and is often occur with an Ingrown Nail. This condition is usually caused by an injury to the surrounding tissue of […]